Thursday, October 05, 2006

South Africa's Bud

This is Castle beer, which is basically South Africa's version of Bud. It's good enough that you aren't bothered by it and bad enough that it makes you think twice before ordering another one. What makes this beer dangerous is that you can get a pint for 15 Rand, which is actually just below $2 right now. If you were in the states, you'd probably say after three beers - I've spent enough money; which is probably $17 or so after tip. But here in South Africa, you can basically have three beers for the equivalent price of one top of the line beer in the US. So you say, hey, I've only paid for the equivalent of one beer, so you buy six more, and now you're absolutely plastered. Tricky, tricky Castle. In the end you make me pay just as much, and even more in the morning.

Interesting note: South Africa has the world's second largest brewery, which happens to own a number of beers you are familiar with including Miller. I won't tell you any more because no one wants to know that their elite Belgium beer is made in a giant vat down in South Africa.


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